You Can Help!

Below are a few easy ways in which YOU can contribute to Taps 'n Tunes

 Internet Search Engine

Instead of using Google or Yahoo to search the web, you can contribute to Taps N' Tunes by using the Good Search engine!

Simply go to, and enter Taps n Tunes Productions as the charity affiliate you are searching for.



 Other support opportunities include:

Tom Thumb - Register this number on your Tom Thumb Reward Card 4059 (You can have up to 3 organizations on a single card). 


Kroger - Ask for a Kroger Card to have scanned when shopping at Kroger. Go online to and register your reward card to NPO# 80194

Office Depot - When buying items at Office Depot, give them our reward number 1324640133.  You can also give the checker phone # 817-268-0388 upon checkout to credit to Taps 'n Tunes Community Partner account.

Donate a used cell phone to us as well as any empty ink cartridges. 

Tax-deductible Contribution - Make a tax-deductible contribution.  (If there is a Senior Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Alzheimer Unit where you would like us to perform in your name, make a donation and designate the place









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